Exegetica 28 (2019) <第八戒とその解釈>

Vol. 28 < The Eighth Commandment and Its Interpretation >

第八戒から読み取る人の心理 ― ヘブル語の גנב
          日本語の「盗む」の比較を通して ―・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・公文  光
  The Ways People Respond to the Eighth Commandment: Observations from
      a Comparative Analysis of Hebrew גנב and Japanese nusumu . . . . . H. Kumon [PDF Abstract]

גנב の意味と第八戒の意図・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・平塚治樹
  The Meaning of גנב and Its Significance
          in Understanding the Eighth Commandment . . . . . H. Hiratsuka [PDF Abstract]

          (エレミヤ書 23 章 30 節)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・津村俊夫
  ‘The prophets … who steal my words
          from one another’ (Jeremiah 23:30) . . . . . D.T. Tsumura [PDF Abstract]

第八戒の目的語 ─ 再考 ─・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・佐々木哲夫
  A Short Note on the Object of גנב in the 8th Commandment . . . . . T. Sasaki [PDF Abstract]

  The Parable of ‘the Unjust Steward’ . . . . . A. Ito [PDF Abstract]