Exegetica 22 (2011) <聖書における偶像礼拝>

Vol. 22 < Idolatry as Seen in the Bible >

  Reciting the Name of Yahweh? (Exodus 20:7) . . . . . D.T. Tsumura [PDF Abstract]

  Idolatry in the Book of Ezekiel . . . . . N. Kiuchi [PDF Abstract]

「神を知ること」─ エゼキエル書における諸国への預言を中心に ─・・・・・・・・木内伸嘉
  Knowing God in Ezekiel with Special Reference
          to Prophecies Against the Nations. . . . . N. Kiuchi [PDF Abstract]

          ─ 使徒の働き7章 42–43 節における旧約引用 ─ ・・・・・・・・・・三浦 譲
  The Second Commandment in the Decalogue and the History of Israel:
          The Use of the Old Testament in Acts 7:24-43 . . . . . Y. Miura [PDF Abstract]

「見えない神のかたち」─ コロサイ人への手紙1章 15 節 ─・・・・・・・・・・・伊藤明生
The Image of the Invisible God: Colossians 1:15 . . . . . A. Ito [PDF Abstract]